Home and Garden Trade Show

Stephen Romero - March 27, 2021

If you are a homeowner interested in getting information on how to remodel your home and enhance your garden or lawn, it is best to visit your local area’s home and garden trade shows. These shows and exhibits will present you with very helpful insights and ideas on home decoration and remodeling, rearrangement of your home interiors, creating, crafting or landscaping of your garden, caring for the lawn or your backyard, and a lot more. Aside from the exhibits, trade shows also conduct seminars on related topics about home and gardening.

In Canada, there will be a Home and Garden Trade Show on March 2007, which is also the largest Home and Garden Show in Southern Alberta. The show is a joint project of Exhibition Park and the Lethbridge Home Builders Association. Held annually, the venue turns into an amazing display of home landscapes and homey atmosphere. Visitors can find different exhibitors with wide array of choices from flooring and cabinets to hot tubs and fireplaces.

Portland Fall Home and Garden Trade Show just recently finished its exhibit last October 6-8. It displays building materials, remodelers, home accessories, gardening tools, greenhouses, etc. The show was intentionally scheduled for the fall season because Portlanders believe that fall is the best time to plant in preparation for spring. And along with planting is learning how to give your garden an ornamental look. In Washington, there is also another show that is planned in time for the fall season and that is Tacoma Fall Home and Garden Trade Show. With over 550 booths, it is the foremost home and garden show in the state and is a unique marketplace to shop on a complete selection of home and gardening products and services. The show also features exhibits for the DIY projects and for professional contractors. Exhibitors also hold accredited seminars for more home and gardening information.

“Red, White & Blooming” at Cleveland, Ohio is a show celebrating the fascinating events and people in the past that contributed to how Ohio has become now. The venue flaunts spectacular gardens, sample home displays, and “how to” demonstrations. The International Home & House wares Show held at McCormick Place is the world’s largest home goods and house ware marketplace. It showcases a wide variety of new products and designs in these product expos: Clean, Contain, & Outdoor Domain, Dine & Design, Wired & Well, and Global Crossroads.

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Stephen Romero

Stephen Romer has decades of experience and expertise in consultative marketing, sales, management, tech, and lifestyle. He has given notable seminars, featured on media for his exceptional writing skills.

